By Anzhela Sedrakyan
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
YEREVAN — Armenia’s real estate rental market has undergone significant changes in recent years. The sharp increase in rental prices is driven by various factors, including immigration, economic developments, and the rise in the prices of construction materials.
Konstantin Boyajyan, an independent real estate agent specializing in property sales and rentals, in a recent interview explained some of the reasons behind rental price changes.
“The first factor that raised rental prices was the influx of Syrian Armenians, especially from Aleppo, who arrived in Armenia due to the war in their homeland. Their demand increased rental prices, but this rise was not as significant as the one caused by Russian immigration. The Russian influx had a major impact on rental price increases, especially starting from March 2022, and again in September 2022. Russians arriving in Armenia drove up rental costs, particularly in the new apartment market,” he said.
According to Boyajyan, rental prices remained high throughout 2023. However, in mid-2024, especially after November, they began to rise again. For instance, in the capital’s Arabkir and Yeraz districts, a two-room apartment, which had reached 400,000 AMD ($1,019) during the Russian migration, previously cost around 175,000-180,000 AMD ($446 to $458). Now, the price has dropped to about 250,000 AMD ($637), indicating that the market has not yet returned to pre-Russian influx levels but remains high.