WATERTOWN — On Sunday, April 10, the Armenian Museum of America, along with Facing History and Ourselves, will present a genocide commemoration program: “Past and Present: Commemorating Women Affected By Genocide.” This program will commemorate all women, across history and around the world, who have been affected by the destruction of genocide.
This year’s joint commemoration will feature a lecture by Anna Aleksanyan, of Clark University, and survivor testimonies from Bosnian genocide survivor Edina Skaljic and Rwandan genocide survivor Chantal Kayitesi.
The program will also feature musical performances by violinist Armen Ghazaryan and pianist Levon Hovsepian, as well as a special blended poetic musical piece with poetry written and performed by Frank Cunningham.
To coincide with the program, there will also be a number of guest exhibitions created and inspired by women who have experienced genocide. Exhibits will include Kindling Sandy Smith-Garcés, Pax Rwanda: Embroideries of the Women of Savane Rutongo-Kabuye curated by Juliana Meehan and Rutongo Embroideries, and Every Stitch A Memory by Netty Vanderpol.
All of these guest exhibitions, along with the Museum’s own Stitching To Survive and Traveling Genocide exhibits, will be available for viewing on the 3rd Floor of ALMA in the Adele & Haig Der Manuelian and Terjenian-Thomas Galleries.
Refreshments will be served after the formal program and this event is free and open to the public.