Daniel Varoujan led a short and tragic life. Born into poverty in 1884 in the Prknig village of Sepasdia (Sivas), Varoujan studied at Venice’s Mourad-Rafaelian School before obtaining[...]

RIGA, Latvia — For Armenians, Komitas Vartabed, both as a man as well as a musician, remains a revered figure. His brilliant musicianship, coupled with his unimaginable suffering as a[...]

By Dr. Arpi Sarafian In June 2020, the United States Supreme Court ruled to uphold the DACA Program which provides protection from deportation to eligible undocumented immigrants who arrived in[...]

HAMILTON, NY — Several months ago, Peter Balakian helped found a group called Writers Against Trump (WAT, writersagainsttrump.org), which includes a number of noted Armenian-American authors. The group has nearly[...]

YEREVAN/YEKATERINBURG, Russia — In Yekaterinburg, 35-year-old Artur Saroyan is known by some as an athlete, others as a policeman, and to yet others as a dancer. He studied at the[...]

Feast of Ashes, by Sato Moughalian Redwood/Stanford University Press, 2019 Reviewed by Christopher Atamian Special to the Mirror-Spectator Born in 1884 in the village of Mouradchai outside of Eskishehir in[...]

YEREVAN / ROME — Marine Galstyan, actress, director, dancer, and choreographer from Yerevan, has been living and working in Italy for 17 years. From 1999 to 2004 she studied at[...]

YEREVAN (Armenpress) —  First cellist of the Belgian National Philharmonic Orchestra Sevak Avanesyan perfumed Krunk (Crane) by Komitas at Ghazanchetsots Cathedral of Shushi town of Artsakh, which had been bombed and[...]

YEREVAN / SEOUL — Andi Roselund is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, three-time iF Award-winning commercial sound designer, music educator and music director. He was born and raised in Los Angeles, to[...]

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. – Medical speech pathologist and artist Ani Marganian is an Orange Country native who co-founded the Instagram account “Nor Ashkharh” in 2019. Since then, she has created[...]

By Christopher Atamian Special to the Mirror-Spectator DENVER — California native Denise Gentilini has always had a musical calling. A child prodigy and autodidact with a taste for Carly Simon,[...]