Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II offers blessings on Easter Sunday.

Easter Services Held in Echmiadzin


ECHMADZIN — On April 17, the Armenian Apostolic Holy Church celebrated the Feast of the Miraculous Resurrection of our Lord, Savior Jesus Christ.

On the occasion of the holiday, Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, celebrated Divine Liturgy at St. Gregory the Illuminator Mother Church in Yerevan.

The Pontifical Divine Liturgy was attended by members of the Supreme Spiritual Council, benefactors of the Mother See, President of the Armenian General Benevolent Union Berge Setrakian, heads and representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Armenia, international organizations, politicians and public figures, and many pilgrims.

Easter services at Echmiadzin

After worshiping in front of the relics of St. Gregory the Illuminator in the vestibule of the Mother Church, the Catholicos of All Armenians, offered his blessing to the faithful and led a procession to the Holy Tabernacle. The Catholicos was accompanied by Bishop Mushegh Babayan, Dean of the Yerevan State University Faculty of Theology and Superintendent of St. Gregory the Illuminator Mother Church in Yerevan, Bishop Anushavan Zhamkochyan.

During the Holy Liturgy, the Catholicos of All Armenians addressed his patriarchal message to all Armenians, conveying the angelic message “Christ is risen from the dead.”


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