A scene from "Cup of Salvation"

New Doc ‘Cup of Salvation’ Focuses on Armenian Wine Culture


WATERTOWN — A new documentary, titled “SOMM: Cup of Salvation,” featuring Armenian wine and the story of Vahe and Aimee Keushguerian’s journey to reinvigorate Armenia’s wine producing culture, will be shown at the Majestic 7 Theater in Watertown on Sunday, December 3 at 3 p.m. and again on Monday, December 4 at 7:20 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/somm-cup-of-salvation-movie-screening-tickets-754210813847?aff=oddtdtcreator).

Still from “Cup of Salvation”

SOMMTV is the country’s top platform for digital wine content. The company has created three feature-length documentaries profiling different topics in wine. The SOMM movies have aired on Netflix, Prime Video and other popular video-on-demand platforms, in addition to on the company’s website (www.sommtv.com) where their 250,000+ subscribers access digital content daily. “Cup of Salvation” is their fourth feature-length film, and it marks a pivotal moment in the Armenian wine renaissance. The film has already wowed audiences in Los Angeles, Napa, Chicago, and Seattle, and has qualified for an OSCAR nomination with its extended run at the Laemmle Theater in Glendale, CA.

Shooting “Cup of Salvation” in Armenia

As the country’s leading importer of Armenian wines, Storica Wines is committed to using this as an opportunity to share the story of Armenia’s ancient wine culture and heritage with the masses — what better way than to watch a feature-length documentary profiling two of the pioneers of this renaissance, who also happen to be a father-daughter duo who make tasty, award-winning wines!


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