Haigazian Issues Volume 37 of Haigazian Armenological Review


BEIRUT – Haigazian University Press has issued the 37th volume of the Haigazian Armenological Review. The 724-page volume includes 39 research and investigative articles, unpublished documents, briefings, book reviews and obituaries.

The articles touch upon various current and past issues and topics all related to Armenian studies, like Armenian identity, language, traditions and beliefs, religion, medieval literature and music, toponyms, trade, party activities, Nakhichevan in the 1920s, the Artsakh Diocese in the 1930s, World WII, genocide themes in Armenian literature, William Saroyan’s and Levon Shant’s plays, current Turkish-Armenian relations, translation of the Bible, Armenian renaissance, the Aleppo prelacy in the 17th-18th centuries, Turkish denialism, Komitas Vardapet, the Kilis Armenians in 1909, epigraphic inscriptions, Patriarch Grigor Shghtayakir, Bursa province exhibitions in the early 20th century, various approaches to the Armenian Genocide, current Armenian cultural life in Tbilisi, letters addressed to Hamasdegh and Arpiar Arpiarian, and book reviews and obituaries.

Among the contributors to the current volume are Diaspora Minister Hranush Hakobyan, scholars Karine Alexanian, Grigor Arshakyan, Anush Aslibekyan, Father Nerses Asrian, Vachagan Avagyan, Haig Avakian, Ani J. Avetisyan, Artsvi Bakhchinian, Henrik Bakhchinyan, Arshag Boghosian, Antranik Dakessian, Gayane Gevorgyan, Vachagan Grigoryan, Arsen Harutyunyan, Armen Hayrapetyan, Gegham Hovhannisyan, Tavit Kasbarian, Zohrab Kevorkian, Susana Khachaturyan, Zaven Kniazian, Kristine Kostikyan, Ashod Krikorian, Venera Makaryan, Gayane Makhmourian, Arman Maloyan, Ashot Manucharyan, Vartan Matiossian, Arevik Meliqyan, Zaven Messerlian, Parandzem Meytikhanian, Mihran Minasian, Marina Moushegian, Norayr Poghosyan, Karine Rafaelyan, Bedros Torosian, Armenag Yeghiayan, Vano Yegiazarian and Yeva Zakarian.

The Haigazian Amenological Review is a yearly publication, issued by the Haigazian University. It was first launched in Beirut in 1970. All the volumes are accessible through http://www.haigazian.edu.lb/Publications/Pages/Overview.aspx

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