By Marylynda Bozian-Cruickshank
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
JAMESPORT, N.Y. — The Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA) of Greater New York hosted its second annual wine tasting, on Saturday, September 17. The program, featuring dinner and music, took place on the grounds of the Clovis Point Winery, located on Long Island.
Helen Misk chaired the event. Hilda Hartounian, chair of the New York TCA branch, welcomed the 75 guests.
Present were friends of Tekeyan and Benefactors Edward and Carmen Gulbenkian, Virginia Dadurian, Henry Dimidjian, Mr. and Mrs. Vahram Aynilian and Dr. Raffy and Vicki Shoghag Hovanessian.
Guests from New Jersey met in front of the Englewood Cliffs office of Tekeyan Cultural Association and were bused to the event.