Third Annual Armenian Genocide Essay Competition to Take Place in Metro Detroit


BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Mich. — The Armenian Genocide Committee of Greater Detroit announces the third annual Armenian Genocide Essay competition and call for entries. The competition, which is funded by the Hagopian Family Foundation, recognizes and awards Michigan middle and high school students who have written a successful essay on the first genocide of the 20th Century, often called “the forgotten genocide.”

This is the third year that this statewide competition has been offered to students with the hope that it will stimulate a comparative study of the many aspects surrounding the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey with other genocides in modern history.

Some suggested themes for this Essay Competition include events which precipitated the Armenian Genocide and other genocides, actions and/or responses taken by individuals and governments in response to the Armenian Genocide and other genocides, and whether the US Government should formally recognize the Armenian Genocide.  Complete guidelines can be found at

Edgar Hagopian, chair of the Armenian Genocide Committee and Patriarch of the Hagopian Family Foundation, stated that he “feels this project is a critical and vital key to perpetuating the history of the Armenian people in the minds of students as well as having them learn that a comprehensive study of the Armenian Genocide will aid and educate legislators and leaders to avert future tragedies.”  “It is the youth of our nation that will look back to help not only this country move forward, but hopefully, one day the world,” Hagopian concluded.

Instructors may submit their student’s essay entries to The Armenian Genocide Committee at 850 S. Old Woodward, Birmingham, MI 48009, on or before the deadline of April 8. All entries will be judged by a committee consisting of members of the Metro Detroit Armenian Community and winners will be formally announced on April 15. The awards will be presented at a 2010 Armenian Genocide Commemoration on or about April 26; further details will be announced.

The awards given to high school students include: first place, $500, second place, $250, and third place $100; for middle school students: first place, $250, second place, $150 and third place, $100.

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In addition, each teacher of the student submitting a winning essay will be given a $100 appreciation award. For additional information, contact The Armenian Genocide Committee by e-mailing

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