Topic: Rock Music

Imagine Frank Zappa brought back to life, but as a crazed violinist running up and down a stage playing a hundred miles an hour to adoring crowds: sexy, long dark[...]

WATERTOWN, Mass. — The Armenian rock group Lav Eli on May 1 concluded an East Coast tour of five cities, including Watertown (for the metropolitan Boston area), for which the[...]

WATERTOWN — The classics of Armenian folk music may seem eternal, passed down from one generation to another. Yet variations and new interpretations always arise, whether regionally or over time.[...]

By Artsvi Bakhchinyan Special to the Mirror-Spectator YEREVAN/ISTANBUL – Arsak (Arshak) Yasar Kurt (born August 16, 1968) is a Turkish-Armenian rock musician. He was enrolled at the Faculty of Economics[...]