Topic: Armenian-Azerbaijani relations

Following the military takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijan in September 2023 and the forced displacement of Armenians, Azerbaijan has pursued a double-pronged strategy in negotiations with Armenia. Its first approach[...]

Since 2020, the South Caucasus has entered an active era of turbulence. The primary reason was the Azerbaijani decision to use military force to “solve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.” Azerbaijan started[...]

After the military takeover of Nagorno Karabakh by Azerbaijan in September 2023 and the forced displacement of Armenians, there were some hopes in Armenia and abroad that an Armenia –[...]

Throughout 2023 there has obviously been more intensified US engagement in the South Caucasus, and more active relations with Armenia. This has been the case starting from the 44-day war[...]

In recent months, American activity in the regulation of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations has been clearly visible. Washington is trying to use all the tools at its disposal to help sign a[...]

On December 9, 2023, the co-chairs of Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change announced that Azerbaijan would host its 29th annual meeting in[...]

The ongoing transformation of the global order has created opportunities and challenges for countries worldwide. The unipolar world fades away, while the main features of the emerging world order are[...]

As Armenia – Azerbaijan peace talks stalled and Azerbaijan resumed its military pressure tactics against Armenia and the self–proclaimed Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NK), international actors accelerated their calls for regional[...]

By Dr. Arshavir Gundjian C.M. It may be an understatement to say that the Armenian world is currently overwhelmed by the daily developments at the level of an existential crisis[...]

YEREVAN (Azatutyun) — A senior Armenian official on Monday, December 5, accused Azerbaijan of planning to close the sole road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. “We see the Azerbaijani side’s intention[...]