VARDENIS, Armenia – In the Vardenis-Karvachar line of contact between Armenia and Azerbaijan, nights do not pass peacefully. Azerbaijan did not even honor the ceasefire reached through Russian mediation 24[...]

VARDENIS, Armenia – After attempts by Azerbaijan to advance in the area of Yeraskh failed, new attempts were made along the Vardenis-Karvachar line. Around 3:40 am on July 28, several[...]

YERASKH, Armenia – Sporadic armed clashes have reportedly taken place throughout the week between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces both on Armenia’s eastern border with occupied Karvajar and along the Azerbaijani-controlled[...]

POTOMAC, M.D. – On Wednesday, July 21, 2021 Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) wrapped up his working meetings early in order to go to community activist and Armenian Assembly of[...]

By Ani Mejlumyan YEREVAN ( — The European Union has offered Armenia an aid package of over $3 billion, 62 percent more than previously promised, in the wake of fair[...]

YEREVAN (PanARMENIAN.Net) — Lawmaker from the ruling Civil Contract party Lilit Makunts has relinquished her seat in the Armenian parliament. The information was confirmed by Armen Smbatyan, the Secretary of[...]

SOCHI (PanARMENIAN.Net) —  Armenian grandmaster Haik Martirosyan defeated Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Azerbaijan’s top player and the world No. 6, to reach Round 4 of the FIDE World Cup, the International Chess[...]

YEREVAN — The Armenian brand Ochre launched a collection of artist-designed artisan-made hand-woven natural wool blankets. The products’ designs are created by the contemporary Armenian artists and the production is[...]

The drums of war are beating louder and louder for anyone willing to listen. The 44-day war between Armenia and Azerbaijan did not end on November 9, 2020. Hostilities were[...]

HALLE, Germany — The cathedral in Halle is huge, but once the doors closed and visitors had taken their seats, it was almost full — at least as full as[...]

WASHINGTON — The Armenian Embassy here hosted a farewell reception on Monday, July 19, for Ambassador Varuzhan Nersesyan and his family, who after two and half years of service has[...]