Together for Artsakh


This is a message for those who wonder how they could contribute today to counter
the genocidal threat against the people of Artsakh

The ongoing aggression against Artsakh is a continuation of the 1915 Armenian Genocide by Turkey. The tripartite alliance of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Islamist terrorism continues attacking peaceful communities across Artsakh. The aggressors use their entire military might, including internationally banned cluster munition and chemical weapons.

The international recognition of independence of the Republic of Artsakh is the most practical way to end war crimes against Artsakh and to solve the Karabakh conflict. Artsakh’s independence stands on a strong legal and historical platform; not only is it underwritten by the last 30 years of Artsakh’s factual sovereignty, it also rests on the historical record of fifteen centuries of Artsakh’s uninterrupted institutional self-governance, starting in the fifth century AD.

The Americans for Artsakh, Inc. (AFA) is a US-registered non-profit organization, working to bring together American supporters of Artsakh’s recognition, and channeling the energy and expertise of Armenian American professionals into concrete ways to support the people of Artsakh in their democratic aspirations.

In consultation with the Government of the Republic of Artsakh, AFA is currently building a team of professionals willing to join hands in this battle. Please contact us if you would like to contribute your expertise and make a firm time commitment to this effort. Outnumbered and outgunned, Artsakh continues to defend its freedom on the battlefield. With the goal of leveraging Artsakh, we need professional supporters who have skills and contacts in the following areas:

  • Human rights, especially in remedial self-determination and secession
  • Democratic governance
  • Former Soviet Union regional experts
  • Journalism

We also need the following technical experts:

  • Copywriter
  • Editor
  • WordPress Content Manager
  • Video & Audio Producer and Editor
  • Infographics Illustrator
  • Graphic Designer
  • Programmer: PHP, WordPress, Security
  • Search Engine Optimization specialist
  • Social media specialist
  • Office Manager

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At this point, we have to rely only on the help of accomplished professionals or companies who can quickly deliver high-quality products. We look forward to receiving your offers. Let’s stay strong for Artsakh!

For more information, please contact us at:

Subject: Stay Strong with Artsakh!

In your message, please indicate the time you can dedicate to this project, and kindly include a link to your portfolio, CV, or website.

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