Turkey poses an existential threat to Armenia, and has historically, as successive regimes harbor the same ambitious dreams of resurrecting the Ottoman Empire. Armenia has always been an impediment in achieving this goal.
Turkey does not view another Christian nation in the region, namely Georgia, as a similar threat. For Ankara, Georgia is more malleable politically. Turkification of Georgia has already progressed significantly, beginning with the Ajarian region, which has a majority Muslim population.
Turkey’s relations with Armenia have always been tense and mutual hatred has run deep on both sides.
Armenia always has to factor in Turkey’s long-term intentions in its foreign policy. However, at the same time, Turkey is a next-door neighbor and an accommodation with it is essential, no matter how unpalatable it may prove to be.
Patriotic jingoism has no place in dealing with that dangerous neighbor. A prudent and calculated approach will serve better our need for survival.
Genocide and its denial are hot topics for the Armenians but for the world powers, they remain academic issues.