SYDNEY, Australia (North Shore Times) — Gladys Berejiklian has become the Australian state of New South Wales’ 45th premier after being elected unopposed as Liberal leader on Monday, January 23.
The 46-year-old Member for Willoughby was first elected to the NSW Parliament in 2003.
“I wish to pledge to all my constituents that for as long as I have the honor and privilege to represent them in this place that I will always put my local community first,” Berejiklian told the NSW Legislative Assembly when she made her maiden speech on May 6, 2003.
“More than ever before we turn to our local communities to offer and to receive support, to effect necessary change and to define and express the type of society we are,” she continued.
Community is a key preoccupation for the new NSW Premier, the first female Liberal politician to lead the state.
In that maiden speech, she quoted the great Irish political theorist and philosopher Edmund Burke, who said, on being elected to Westminster in 1774, that a representative should “live in the strictest union, the closest correspondence, and the most unreserved communication with his constituents. Their wishes ought to have great weight with him; their opinion high respect; their business unremitted attention.”