Topic: Promise Armenian Institute

LOS ANGELES — The Armenian Genocide Research Program (AGRP) within the Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA and the Armenian Film Foundation present the release of a documentary titled, “What’s Next:[...]

LOS ANGELES —The UCLA Promise Armenian Institute announced recently the second annual Kerr Family Endowed Lecture. The lecture, titled “‘The Very Limit of Our Endurance’: Rev. Hovhannes Eskijian and his[...]

LOS ANGELES — The Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA hosted an all-day symposium dedicated to honoring and celebrating the life and legacy of the late UCLA Professor Richard G. Hovannisian[...]

LOS ANGELES — Melissa Bilal, a leading scholar of Armenians in Turkey and director of UCLA’s Armenian Music Program, has been appointed the inaugural holder of The Promise Chair in[...]

LOS ANGELES — On October 17, Turkish Armenian politician and human rights advocate Garo Paylan delivered a seminal lecture at UCLA entitled “Armenian Rebirth: The Last Plight.” The lecture coincided[...]

LOS ANGELES — On Wednesday, April 12, the Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA introduced a newly endowed lecture series named in honor of the Kerr family. With the backing of[...]

FRESNO — Dr. Taner Akçam shared new revelations about the planning of the Armenian Genocide during a lecture at Fresno State University on March 3. Akçam, director of the Armenian[...]

LOS ANGELES — In collaboration with the Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region (ANCA-WR), the Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA will host Davit Babayan, PhD, the foreign minister[...]

LOS ANGELES — The Promise Armenian Institute at UCLA announced last week the appointment of Taner Akçam as inaugural director of the Armenian Genocide Research Program, housed within the Promise Armenian[...]

LOS ANGELES — In October 2021, Armenian International Medical Fund (AIM Fund) completed its 22nd medical mission to Armenia. Akira Ishiyama, MD, surgeon and professor in the Division of Head[...]