Topic: Armenian Museum of America

By Barbara Merguerian WATERTOWN — Best-selling author Chris Bohjalian will mark the publication of his latest novel, The Lioness, in a conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Stephen Kurkjian at the[...]

WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of America recently announced the opening of two new exhibitions in its galleries. The first, “The Art of the Armenian Khachkar,” was curated by Helen[...]

WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of America recently announced its 9th Online Concert featuring an exclusive performance by the Artyom Manukyan Quartet. This Armenia-based electro-jazz ensemble features Arman Mnatsakanyan (drums),[...]

WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of America re-opened in June with three floors of updated exhibitions including ancient and medieval artifacts, displays on folk instruments, and two contemporary art exhibits.[...]

WATERTOWN — This recipe from Janice Okoomian is featured at the Armenian Museum of America website. Janice, a professor of English/Gender & Women’s Studies at Rhode Island College, contributed this recipe[...]

WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of America re-opened in June with revamped galleries of ancient and medieval artifacts, and two contemporary art exhibits in its Adele and Haig Der Manuelian[...]

WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of America (ALMA) has been closed to visitors since the start of the novel coronavirus pandemic last year, but inside its landmark building in Watertown,[...]

WATERTOWN —The Armenian Museum of America recently announced a series of programs planned for April, with several focused on Genocide Education since the world recognizes April 24 as the date[...]

WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of America has launched its fourth online program called the “Sound Archive,” which is featured on its website and social media pages every month. The[...]

WATERTOWN — The Armenian Museum of America recently announced the third in its bi-monthly Online Concert Series. The performance is being recorded live in New York by three Armenian sopranos,[...]