TCA of US and Canada Congratulates New Artsakh Leader


Honorable Mr. Samvel Shahramanyan

Newly-elected President

Artsakh Republic


Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of the Central Board of the Tekeyan Cultural Association of the United States and Canada, I warmly congratulate you on the occasion of your election as president of the Republic of Artsakh and wish you strength, ability and the will to overcome the critical challenges facing our beloved Artsakh.

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On the same occasion, I also congratulate the Parliament of the Republic of Artsakh and all the Artsakh Armenians for their wisdom and state and national consciousness in handling the difficult tasks of self-governance, sovereignty and self-preservation.

Expressing solidarity with the government under your leadership and the heroic Artsakh Armenians, I assure you, Mr. President, that our organs of the Tekeyan press, with their wide circles and members from all over the world, will continue their journalistic work with continued momentum for the protection and well-being of the Artsakh state and people.

Wishing you success in your difficult mission, I ask that you accept my assurances of the utmost respect.

On behalf of the Central Board of the Tekeyan Cultural Association of the United States and Canada

Dr. Arshavir Gundjian

September 9, 2023

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