By Dr. Arshavir Gundjian, C. M.
Special to the Mirror-Spectator
During this period, our homeland and the Armenian people, both in the homeland and in the diaspora, are living through one of the roughest periods in our modern history. In this period of severe physical and psychological crises, it is inevitable and even expected that our people, facing irreversible losses to the entire territory of the homeland, express its anger with righteous revulsion under the pressure of successive profound disappointments.
In the diaspora, in our turn, as responsible Armenians, many of us have considered that one of the main duties of our lives, within the limits of our abilities, is to devote an important part of our time and material and intellectual resources, to serve our nation.
As a result of this situation, in such an electrified atmosphere of justified anger, it would be difficult to find any Armenian in the entire diaspora who would not feel the need to participate in protest or aid efforts in one way or another in favor of our people.
Our complaint and anger is in the first place directed at our age-old opponents, the Azerbaijanis and the Turks. Our protest is successively addressed to the other nations of the world, especially the so-called great nations, which are supposedly committed to implementing justice according to international standards. The latter also deserted us today. Shame on them, a thousand times over.