Belgian Parliament Resolution Calls for Measures to Help Karabakh, Find War Criminals


BRUSSELS (Public Radio of Armenia) — The Belgian House of Representatives passed a resolution on December 18 the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and its aftermath with 130 votes in favor and 12 abstentions, the Armenian National Committee of Belgium reports.

The resolution condemns the resumption of hostilities by Azerbaijan on September 27, 2020, and calls on the government to take a number of measures aimed at alleviating the plight of the war-affected population, identifying those responsible for war crimes, bringing them to justice, maintaining the ceasefire and negotiating a peaceful agreement respecting the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh, and its people’s the right of its people to self-determination.

Among other things, the Parliament condemns the harmful role that Turkey has played in this war, demands that it “cease military intervention in this conflict” and “refrain from destabilizing roles in the region.”

The Armenian National Committee of Belgium welcomes the fact that the Parliament has adopted a clear, constructive position on this issue, and thanks the parliamentarians who have contributed to it. Thus, the resolution paves the way for concrete and constructive actions in the region.

The Committee urges the Government to act promptly on the recommendations of Parliament. It particularly emphasizes the urgency of humanitarian aid and the Belgian presence in the region.


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