At Least 4 Killed in Rocket Attack on Aleppo Armenian Neighborhood


Damage_in_Christian_quarter_of_AelppoALEPPO (PanARMENIAN.Net) — At least four people were killed and dozens more wounded as armed militants shelled the Armenian neighborhood of Nor Kyugh in Aleppo, Kantsasar newspaper announced in a Facebook post, on May 30.

A total of eight rockets landed in the neighborhood on Sunday, May 29, causing a building to collapse.

Days earlier, the Armenian neighborhood fell under a heavy rocket attack.

The street where the Armenian nursing home is situated was also bombarded.

One of the rockets landed on a building where an Armenian family resided. Luckily, no human losses were registered in the region.

The Armenian nursing home was seriously damaged; windows broke, some parts of the ceiling collapsed.

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