By Edmond Y. Azadian
Only a few years ago, the Turkish parliament presented a treasure trove of bad behavior for scandal lovers, as members of the parliament would get in fistfights, in plain view of a worldwide television audience.
It seems that the Turks have put their house in order by devising other methods of settling scores in the parliament; they either dissolve political parties, as it happened recently to a pro-Kurdish party, or strip immunity of the parliamentarians and send them to jail. And at times, they commission mysterious assassination squads.
Thus they are able to project a sophisticated image in the parliament, always mindful that the European Union is watching Turkey in its march towards democratization and civilization.
It seems that the old-fashioned scandalous behavior has moved further East, particularly to Armenia, where the political elite is engaged in a Caucasian-style violence.
The recent resignation of Yerevan’s mayor, Gagik Beglarian, touched off a barrage of other resignations or reprehensible behavior, necessitating corrective action.