Topic: Concerts

CLEVELAND, Ohio — In the Summer 2021 issue of the Cleveland Institute of Music NOTES magazine,  Haig Hovsepian as the only Armenian student at the conservatory is recognized for his[...]

By Anastasia Tsioulcas NEW YORK (NPR) — Legendary duduk player Jivan Gasparyan died on July 6, according to a Facebook post by his grandson and protégé, Jivan Gasparyan Jr. He was[...]

BERLIN — In 1988, after massive earthquakes struck Armenia, leaving behind a trail of death, injuries, crumbled buildings and shattered lives. “That December,” Ambassador Ashot Smbatyan would later recall, “many[...]

RIGA, Latvia — For Armenians, Komitas Vartabed, both as a man as well as a musician, remains a revered figure. His brilliant musicianship, coupled with his unimaginable suffering as a[...]

YEREVAN ( — The Yerevan Opera House will show its opera and ballet performances and concerts on Facebook starting Tuesday, March 17. “You can stay home and watch Karen Khachaturian’s brilliant[...]

NEW YORK — Perspectives Ensemble, in cooperation with the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, presents “Dark Eyes/New Eyes: A Celebration of Armenian Music,” on Sunday, March 22, at 7[...]

FRANKFURT — “My name is Clara, Clara Wieck.” She stands in center stage, her hands clasped, dressed in an elegant blouse and long skirt, her dark hair pulled back to accentuate[...]

By Néstor Castiglione LOS ANGELES and YEREVAN — Arriving at the airport, exhausted and cramped after a 21-hour flight with more turbulence than my admittedly timid sensibilities could handle, I[...]

WESTWOOD, Calif. — The VEM Ensemble is making a North American tour with performances in Detroit (March 27), Montreal (March 29), Boston (March 31), and Glendale (April 27) and Altadena,[...]