From The Armenian Mirror-Spectator

The Armenian Mirror-Spectator

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — In continuing its series of events celebrating books and courage and legends, Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Greater Boston presents M. L. Carr, who will share his[...]

NEW YORK — The debut play “Where Is Your Groom? (Pesad Oor Eh)” II sent waves of laughter throughout the Miller Theatre at Columbia University on Sunday, March 26, where[...]

WATERTOWN — Students at St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School’s Annual STEM week, held April 3-7, participated in a variety of enrichment activities in science, technology, engineering and math. On April[...]

LOS ANGELES — For the first time, a big budget, wide-release feature film — complete with A-list Hollywood celebrities and a renowned, Academy Award-winning director — will depict the Armenian Genocide.[...]

FRESNO — Author and human-rights lawyer Fethiye Çetin (Istanbul, Turkey), will speak on “Echo of Silence” at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26, at the Berberian Social Hall of St.[...]

WASHINGTON — The former National Bank of Washington building, which had for many years been the proposed site of a museum dedicated to the Armenian Genocide, was sold last week by[...]

By Hagop Vartivarian Hrant K. Sulahian was an Armenian from Aintab who played an important role in the Armenian liberation movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and[...]

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan letter signed by 84 Members of Congress was sent to President Donald Trump urging him to affirm the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian Assembly of America[...]

WASHINGTON — The Navy christened the newest guided-missile destroyer, the future USS Paul Ignatius (DDG 117), Saturday, April 8 during a ceremony at Huntington Ingalls Industries Shipbuilding in Pascagoula, Miss.[...]

DALLAS — What is it like to hold the beating heart of a two-day-old child in your hand? What is it like to counsel distraught parents as they make some[...]

SAN FRANCISCO (San Francisco Chronicle) — Drivers headed into San Francisco over the Bay Bridge got a world history lesson without even asking Monday, April 3, when a huge banner commemorating[...]