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In joint efforts to unify the Armenian community, The Mirror-Spectator Calendar is a place to find, post and share interesting events and gatherings, ANYWHERE around the world. Posting events is always FREE for everyone!

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Prof. Sergio La Porta Speaks in Boston on Christian-Muslim Relations in Medieval Armenia for Tekeyan

Baikar Building 755 Mount Auburn, Watertown, MA, United States

The Tekeyan Cultural Association Boston Chapter is hosting Prof. Sergio La Porta, who will be giving an interesting lecture on Christian-Muslim relations in medieval Armenia...without giving anything away, among other things, he will touch on conversions and martyrdoms...come listen to a fascinating aspect of Armenian history by a scholar from California on the frontlines of […]

Seta Dadoyan: Artwork and the Dialectics of Truth Content

AGBU Global Center 55 East 59th Street, New York, NY, United States

The third in the series of “Counterpoints," this talk deals with Professor Seta B. Dadoyan’s aesthetic philosophy and artworks in terms of encounters and convergences in her experiences. Her theories focus on the autonomy of art, its cognitive importance, social-historical embeddedness, the “culture industry,” “truth-content,” and “concretization” as criteria for aesthetic judgments. “Counterpoints: Philosophy, Historiography, […]


‘Remnants’ Armenian Genocide Lecture on April 11 Presented by Tekeyan of Boston

Baikar Building 755 Mount Auburn, Watertown, MA, United States

In Remnants, Elyse Semerdjian explores how the Ottoman Armenian communal body was dis-membered, disfigured, and later re-membered by the survivor community. Gathering individual memories and archival fragments from Ottoman, Armenian, and humanitarian archives, she traces the histories of women and children rescued during and after the war to center the quietest voices in the historical record.  […]

Merrimack Valley Marks 110th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church 180 Old Westford Road, Chelmsford, Massachusetts

CHELMSFORD, Mass. — On Sunday, April 27, 2025, the Armenian Genocide Commemorative Committee of the Merrimack Valley (AGCCMV) will observe the remembrance of the Holy Martyrs of the Armenian Genocide, marking the 110th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The event will be hosted by Saints Vartanantz Armenian Church, 180 Old Westford Rd., Chelmsford, MA. A […]

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