In joint efforts to unify the Armenian community, The Mirror-Spectator Calendar is a place to find, post and share interesting events and gatherings, ANYWHERE around the world. Posting events is always FREE for everyone!
In celebration of International Women’s Day, AGBU will host its 2nd annual Women Shaping the World (WSTW) Conference on March 11, 2023. WSTW will feature high-profile female keynote speakers and panelists who have made transformational change through their careers, philanthropy or volunteer work.
Building on the success of the Women Entrepreneurs (WE) Program, AGBU EmpowerHer, an umbrella initiative, was launched at the inaugural WSTW event in March of 2020, introducing new programs combining both educational and psycho-social components that work to change perceptions and teach skills essential to gaining financial and social independence. WSTW is not only an opportunity to support these programs in Armenia. It also serves as a vehicle for celebrating, uplifting, and collaborating with other passionate women in business to help improve the status of women everywhere. Visit for more information or to buy tickets. Special pricing available for Young Professionals/students.