Ballistic nerve injury

French Medical Mission Publishes Report on Ballistic Nerve Injuries from 2020 Artsakh War


By Levon Karamanoukian

Special to the Mirror-Spectator

A medical report published in the December issue of the Journal of Ultrasound underscores the severity of ballistic nerve injuries of the arms and legs sustained during the 2020 Artsakh War.

The report was authored by a multispecialty team of physicians who travelled from France after the war to help manage wounded veterans.

The 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War represented an unprovoked and violent military attack by Azerbaijan on the civilian and military population of the Republic of Artsakh. The nature of the military engagement highlighted Azerbaijan’s attempts to violate the self-determination and self-governance of indigenous Artsakh Armenians.

Post-conflict, a multidisciplinary team of medical experts were mobilized at the behest of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs to organize medical missions to assist in the care of Armenian war wounded. The specialists from Lyon included two upper-limb surgeons, a hand therapist, an anesthesiology pain specialist, a neurologist, an infectious disease specialist and a radiologist.

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Seven medical missions were completed in Yerevan between January 2021 and May 2022 and directed towards the management of wounded veterans. Complex injuries were managed, included bone, soft-tissue, orthopedic, and peripheral nerve injuries.

Ballistic nerve injury

According to lead author, Dr. Olivier Fantino, the severity of injuries, COVID and the psychological impact of Armenia’s military loss made the situation very difficult. “The psychological state of the wounded was most often at the lowest, often with advanced states of prostration. Conversely, some coped in an astonishing way,” he wrote.

The report detailed the management of 25 wounded soldiers with peripheral nerve injuries in the setting of soft-tissue polytrauma.

Veterans were treated at the Wigmore Clinic in Yerevan. Of the 25, a total of 44 injured nerves were documented, including 17 patients with upper limb nerve injury, 7 with lower limb nerve injury, and one patient with both upper and lower nerve injury. Fourteen wounded veterans had wounds inflicted by shrapnel, 10 by high-velocity bullets, and one with nerve injury inflicted by prolonged compression with a hemorrhage-control tourniquet.

The indiscriminate use of drone, ballistic and explosive agents by the Azeri military during the war is widely documented, including the use of prohibited white phosphorus explosives on the population of Artsakh.

“The degree of complex soft tissue injuries inflicted on the civilian and military population of Artsakh overwhelmed the acute management of those wounded on the field,” said Igor Zakharyan, chief of plastic surgery at Central Republic Hospital in Stepanakert (before 2023). “We are still dealing with the manifestations of those injuries years later.”

The prospective study of wounded soldiers demonstrated the utility of ultrasound examination in the management of peripheral nerve injuries inflicted by shrapnel or high-energy bullets. During the seven medical missions completed by the French medical experts, ultrasound and electroneuromyography management were used to demonstrate the extent of nerve injuries, qualify the success-rate of emergency nerve repairs, diagnose and mark the location and severity of nerve injuries before surgery, and validate intraoperative findings.

Screenshot 2025-01-11 at 11-07-38 Contribution of ultrasound in the management of ballistic nerve injury during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war

According to the published report, the team of physicians validated the use of ultrasound in the management of war-related peripheral nerve injuries related to ballistic weaponry. “Post-injury disabilities remain prevalent among wounded soldiers,” reported Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Gayane Mkhitaryan, a microsurgeon in Armenia who continues to help wounded veterans. “Despite advancements in surgical and rehabilitative techniques, the complexity of these injuries often results in prolonged recovery and functional impairments,” she added.

Wounded Artsakh war veterans still require extensive and prolonged management of their debilities. The acute management of their injuries has now transgressed into a long-term rehabilitative requirement. Fantino concluded, “These events will remain forever engraved on my hard drive.”

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