By Gayane Muradyan
YEREVAN — As Victor Hugo has said, “He who opens the school door closes a prison.” In these anxious and insecure days ahead of the New Year, when it seems that there are dangerous situations spreading throughout the world, the Tekeyan Cultural Association (TCA) family continues to warm the hearts of the staff of the four schools in Armenia named after Vahan Tekeyan with a New Year’s gift. This is a unique approach from the point of view of showing gratitude to teachers dedicated to Armenian education.
The Sponsor a Teacher program has a history of about three decades.
When talking about teachers, there is the desire to use the most beautiful, the most tender words, because each of them is dedicated to their noble mission. For years, Tekeyan members have visited the schools, participated in celebrations, and, if necessary, supported and cared for them.
I would like to present a description of the Armenian schools named after Vahan Tekeyan.
The 60-person teaching staff of the Vahan Tekeyan School in Gyumri was successfully certified according to the new requirements and standards introduced for teachers in Armenia. They teach 340 students in grades 5-12, in Armenian and Russian. Students at the Gyumri school have participated in Olympiads in various subjects and have become laureates. About 80 percent of graduates are successfully admitted to universities in Armenia.