Artur Aleksanyan wins against his opponent from South Korea.

Armenian Wrestlers Forging Ahead in the Olympics


PARIS — Two Armenian wrestlers bested their opponents at the Paris Olympics on Tuesday. Artur Aleksanyan, the winner of gold, silver and bronze medals in previous Olympic Games, as well as being a four-time world and seven-time European champion, started the Olympic Games in Paris with a confident victory.

The 97 kilogram (214 pounds) Aleksanyan defeated Seungjun Kim of South Korea with a score of 9:0.

Malkhas Amoyan

Malkhas Amoyan, the representative of Armenia in Greco-Roman style wrestling at the Paris Olympic Games, is in the quarterfinals, defeating the representative of Finland. The three-time European champion Amoyan had defeated Amin Kaviyaninejad of Iran in his previous match.

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