YEREVAN — Tomoki Okuyama is a 26-years-old Japanese man who has been residing in Yerevan since last February. He studied sports management at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto and worked as a staff member in the Japanese University Football League. Tomoki participated in CONIFA (Confederation of Independent Football Associations tournaments (London, Artsakh) and attended Annual General Meetings (Northern Cyprus, Poland) as a CONIFA volunteer staff.
Dear Tomoki, I was in Stepanakert in 2019, when the CONIFA games took place. No one could imagine what calamity would take place after a year and half. What are your memories about that year?
I participated in one of the referee team staff but only helping referees off the ground. That was an amazing tournament for everyone involved. I cannot forget the scene of everyone smiling at each other in the stadium. Probably the level of football was not like the English Premier League, but definitely there was value of football on and off the field.
Among the tournament, we had a cultural event day in Shushi. We visited some museums about Artsakh’s culture. It was very meaningful day. Also, we were dancing under the big tree at Shushi without any borders, nationalities, races. There was nothing we cared about.
I have amazing memories from Artsakh and that is why I could not believe when the war happened the following year. I chatted with my friends from Artsakh in that time. I felt their suffering and sadness, but I could not find any words to tell them.
Was it after that you decided to study Armenian?