Peace of Art Responds: ‘We thank President Biden for recognizing the Armenian Genocide’


BOSTON – In March 2021, on the eve of the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Peace of Art, Inc., launched its annual education campaign by displaying electronic billboards in the state of Massachusetts, USA. The message on this year’s billboards asks, “Mr. President, with honor, dignity and courage recognize the Armenian Genocide.”

The media reacted quickly, as it was broadcast on Armenian public television. The result was noticeable. We received various letters and phone calls from both deniers and supporters. On March 17, Peace of Art, Inc., received an offer to support the installation of a similar static billboard in Cleveland. Then on March 19, the Philadelphia Armenian Genocide Commemoration Committee praised our initiative and proposed to erect similar electronic billboards in Philadelphia and sponsor them. During the month of April 2021, an additional electronic billboard was installed in Massachusetts sponsored by the Armenian National Committee of Merrimack Valley.


For the past twenty-five years, Peace of Art, Inc., has continuously called on America to recognize the Armenian Genocide. On April 24, 2021, President Biden honored his promise and recognized the Armenian Genocide.

An electronic Peace of Art billboard erected on one of the busy highways in the state of Massachusetts presents two alternating screens. On the first screen, we thank President Biden for recognizing the Armenian Genocide, and on the second, we quote President Biden’s statement on the occasion of Armenian Remembrance Day: “’The American people honor the memory of all Armenians who fell victim to the genocide 106 years ago today.’ President Joe Biden, April 24, 2021.”

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Peace of Art, Inc., was formally founded in Massachusetts in 2003, but it has been active since 1996. Peace of Art, Inc., is a non-profit educational organization with no political nor religious affiliations. Peace of Art uses the universal language of art for the betterment of humanity, to promote peaceful solutions to conflict, and the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide.  Peace of Art, Inc., is dedicated to the peacekeepers of the world, all those who risk their lives for the welfare of the people. Since its inception, Peace of Art, Inc., has not requested nor received funding from individuals, organizations or other sources.

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