Fair Lawn, N.J. — On Saturday, March 27 at 5:30 p.m., St. Leon Armenian Church will host its first hybrid event with an in-person and virtual audience.
Journalist and author Tatul Hakobyan will deconstruct events leading up to and following the 44-Day War. The discussion will be in English.
Conflict specialist Hakobyan will examine why the war started; what transpired on the ground; what were the surprises, if any; and why events unfolded along a trajectory of seemingly endless calamities.
Hakobyan has memorialized his observation and analysis in 360-page war diary — Valley of Death: A 44-Day Catastrophe. The book, which includes related writings from before and after the war, is in Armenian and will be available for sale along with his previously authored Karabakh Diary: Green and Black and Armenians and Turks: From War to Cold War to Diplomacy. The latter two are in both English and Armenian.
Hakobyan is the coordinator of the ANI Armenian Research Center, which studies contemporary Armenian issues. Between 2009 and 2021, he was an analyst at the Civilitas Foundation and for its online CivilNet broadcasts. Hakobyan has also contributed to other media outlets including the Armenian Reporter, Public Radio of Armenia, Azg, Yerkir and Ankakhutyun.
The event is jointly sponsored by AGBU Ararat, Armenian Democratic Liberal Party-Ramgavars, Armenian Network of America — Greater NY, Justice Armenia, Knights of Vartan-Bakradouny Lodge, National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)/Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Topics and Saint Leon Armenian Church.