Kirill Chakryan

Kirill Chakryan: Bodybuilder as a Sculptor


YEREVAN / MOSCOW — My interlocutor is a 32-year-old professional athlete and fitness trainer Kirill Chakryan. He studied at the Moscow Sports Academy, specializing in theory and methodology of combat sports and weightlifting. Kirill is a bodybuilding champion of the Moscow Oblast (region) and the Moscow Championship in the weight category up to 85 kilogram (2015), ten-time champion of the Cups and Championships of Moscow in weightlifting, two-time champion of All-Russian weightlifting competitions and of weightlifting competitions among the CIS countries, candidate for master of sports in bench press and powerlifting, candidate for master of sports in bodybuilding, master of sports in weightlifting.

Dear Kirill, I am very glad to introduce you to Armenian readers internationally. We are always glad to see Armenian surnames in any field, in big sports and in such a visual sport as bodybuilding is. It is said about bodybuilders that they think only about their bodies for 24 hours – is that so?

Good afternoon, Artsvi, I also want to greet all the readers! Bodybuilding, in my opinion, is one of the most difficult sports, as it requires dedication 24 hours a day. To achieve ideal proportions, a bodybuilder as a sculptor hones his body day after day. This requires a lot of training (especially on lagging muscle groups) and also devoting a lot of time to sleep and diet. Exercises, sleep, food — all three of these components are necessary for the growth and changes in the muscles in our body. If something is missing from these three things, the result can hardly be expected. Answering your question: a bodybuilder thinks about the body for 24 hours, otherwise the result simply will not be.

Your father, Arkady Chakryan, a weightlifting coach, if I am not mistaken, was engaged in bodybuilding after 50. So age doesn’t matter in bodybuilding?

My father Arkady Borisovich Chakryan has been fond of sports since childhood. In the 1990s there was a cult of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who led many to workout and lift weights in basements. In the 1990s there were few opportunities, therefore he, like many others, trained with weights at home. Once my father brought my brother and me to the weightlifting section of CSKA (Central Sports Club of the Army), where we began our path of professional athletes, he watched our training, then he began to slowly study this sport himself, which led him to the head coach position of CSKA weightlifting. Being self-taught, he mentored masters of sports and candidates in masters of sports, also helped international champions of sports in preparing for competitions. One was Ruslan Albegov, who over time became an Olympic medalist in weightlifting. Not long time ago, my father decided to perform for the first time and try out as a bodybuilder, winning the Moscow Region Championship in bodybuilding in the master category. I think he thereby managed to set a good example to his peers and young people, that it is never too late to try yourself in something new and that even at 50 you can look good!

I believe your brother and sister also had a big influence on your development as an athlete.

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My older brother Arthur is a champion in weightlifting, and prize-winner in bodybuilding and my sister Liubov is a master of sports of international class in weightlifting. We have always been together, trained, and of course, as the youngest one, I always looked up to my siblings, since I considered them promising athletes, especially my sister. Liuba, being a multiple champion of Russia in weightlifting and two-time European champion in weightlifting (and all this until 16 years old!), had very great prospects in this sport. At that time most of all I wanted her to participate in the Olympic Games, but unfortunately she did not manage to reach such a level because of a serious knee injury, which later ended her career.

Kirill Chakryan with his father and brother

Having such a sculpted body, were there any invitations to participate in show business projects?

Yes, I was invited to participate in various TV projects but you know, actually I do not like all these things. Of course, now I understand that this is media and there is nowhere without it, but I am more a supporter of the so-called old school, working silently and quietly towards goals and achieving them.

Who is your idol in sports?

Hmmm, there are no idols, there are many great athletes of whom I am proud, who inspired me with their examples, with whom I would like to meet, communicate, as each great athlete deserves respect.

My 17-year-old son goes to the gym and like many of his peers dreams of gaining muscles faster without chemicals. What advice can you give him?

There is only one advice to your son — do not rush. Hurrying can lead to injuries; the gym and work on your body is a long-term road and there is no need to rush. Let him read a lot about nutrition (this is 80-percent of the success in bodybuilding), and also about the technique of performing exercises, because the better the technique is, the less injuries and better progress are. Also, in our time there are many sources where you can take information, the main thing is to find the right one. I want to wish your son only success, and if he sets a goal for himself, he will definitely achieve it.

Do you know other Russian bodybuilders of Armenian origin? Well, except for your brother Arthur.

Bodybuilders of Armenian descent? Hmmm, unfortunately not.

Where are your Armenian ancestors from?

My ancestors on the Armenian side lived in Turkey. When the Genocide began, my great-grandfather Ardash and great-grandmother Arpenik, while still children, moved to neighboring villages close to the border of Russia, on the territory of Abkhazia, so all our relatives are now in the Krasnodar Krai and Abkhazia. In Armenia itself, unfortunately, I have no one, and this is all the information about my ancestors that I managed to find.

Have you ever been to Armenia?

I have never been to Armenia, but I always wanted to go and see. Last time I planned a trip to Armenia for the last summer, but quarantine and Covid-19 introduced their own changes. When all this settles down, and the situation in the world levels out, and the borders are opened, I really hope that I will finally be able to visit Armenia.

What do you wish for the Armenians all over the world dreaming of having a beautiful body?

Love yourself first of all, watch your diet, go in for sports, develop yourselves, study, and then you will definitely get a beautiful body, because the main thing is to set up goals and follow your desires!

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