Appeal from the ADL Supreme Council: Armenia under Attack


Recent bellicose rhetoric by Azerbaijani and Turkish public figures turned into acts of aggression on the morning of September 27, as Azerbaijani armed forces, violating the terms of the ceasefire, launched a massive attack along the line of contact, primarily the Artsakh-Azerbaijani border. Despite Armenia’s powerful retaliation, there are Armenian military and civilian casualties. Hundreds are reported wounded and 16 killed. The populations of Armenia and Artsakh (Karabakh) have been mobilized and martial law has been imposed. Volunteer battalions are heading towards the border, as the homeland is in danger.

Therefore, the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party (ADL) Supreme Council condemns, in no uncertain terms, the Azerbajiani aggression, and expresses its solidarity with the people of Armenia and Artsakh.

The mobilization in Armenia must take place also in the diaspora, and encourage the volunteer movement, heal the wounded, and support the Armenian people in Artsakh and Armenia. Mobilization in the diaspora must lead to massive protests in front of Azerbaijani and Turkish official institutions and diplomatic offices, massive news coverage to sensitize world public opinion, and a call to action for statesmen and legislators around the world friendly to the Armenians.

Fellow Armenians! The Armenian homeland is in danger and our appeal has to alert every Armenian, even in the remotest corners of the world.

Armenians around the world must be mobilized in support of the armed forces of Artsakh and Armenia. It is incumbent upon the representatives of the Armenian government, diplomatic corps and news media to alert the world that the unrepentant country of Turkey, in collusion with its “brotherly nation” of Azerbaijan, is about to complete the unfinished genocide against the Armenian people that began in 1915.

After surviving the horrors of history, the Armenian people finally managed recently to attain an independent homeland, along with a free Karabakh.

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Enough is enough! Armenians will not allow themselves this time around to become victims of atrocities nor to let their homeland be overrun by Turkish and Azerbaijani bands.

ADL Supreme Council

Vartkes Kourouyan                                     Dr. Hratch Kouyoumjian

Secretary                                                          Chairman

Boston, USA

September 27, 2020



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