Hugh McDermott

MP Introduces Motion in NSW Parliament Condemning Azerbaijan


SYDNEY (PanARMENIAN.Net) — Australian state lawmaker Dr. Hugh McDermott has introduced a motion in the Parliament of Australia’s largest state of New South Wales, condemning Azerbaijan’s provocative attacks against Armenia’s border and calling on the Federal Government of Australia to do the same, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU).

The Member for Prospect, who is a high-profile member of the NSW Armenia-Australia Parliamentary Friendship Group, requested the NSW Legislative Assembly resolves that Azerbaijan’s actions against Armenia proves “their blatant disregard of international law by breaking their ceasefire agreement.”

McDermott, who visited the Republics of Armenia and Artsakh as part of ANC-AU’s Federal-led delegation in 2019, noted Armenian-Australian community concerns of Azerbaijan’s “attacks on Armenia’s border town of Tavush and threatened attacks on the nuclear power plant at Metsamor,” adding condemnation of “the actions of President Erdogan of Turkey and President Aliyev of Azerbaijan in their pursuit of a policy of Pan-Turkish nationalism which has previously led to genocide.”

McDermott’s motion concluded with a call “on the Federal Government to condemn these attacks and advocate their support for the safety and security of Armenia.”

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