WATERTOWN – For all of you, or your friends and relatives, seeking summer jobs and internships, the Armenian Mirror-Spectator offers an exciting opportunity: it is seeking an intern for a six-week program this summer (mid-July through August). The intern will receive a $150 weekly stipend provided through the Armenian Students’ Association of America’s Internship Program. The Mirror also is looking for interns during the regular year.
The intern should be in college or graduate school and does not necessarily have to be studying journalism. Internet skills are a plus. Most likely, the internship will be done long distance, via electronic communications, so location is not an issue (but native speaker knowledge of English remains important).
Aside from writing for the paper and working on the Mirror website, the Mirror is looking for help in sparking new marketing campaigns and obtain more digital advertising.
If interested, please email tcadirector@aol.com or mirrorspectator1975@gmail.com with your resume and tell us of your interests and relevant skills.