From left, New York City Councilman Barry Grodenchik, Museum Board Member Zarmine Boghosian and Executive Director Margaret Tellalian-Kyrkostas

NY Anthropology Museum Looks for New Home to Represent Diversity


FLUSHING, N.Y. — The Anthropology Museum of the People of New York and the Armenian Cultural Educational Resource Center Museum at Queens College, Flushing, New York, are looking for a new home.

The exhibits at present include “The Voyage of Human Origins,” which covers multi-ethnic cultures and the biological aspects of human origins. The “Armenia: Memories from My Home ” exhibit displays the history of the Armenians from 9000 BCE to the present.

The Armenia exhibit originally opened at Ellis Island in 1996-7 for six months. Its religious history panel shows how controversies resulted in the separation of the Armenian, Catholic and Greek Churches. Petroglyphs are reproduced from Lake Sevan and there is a 3,200-year-old female skull. The 1915 Armenian Genocide display shows both the Armenian and Turkish views of the genocide. Coming to America and Contributions of Armenians to America include the Ellis Island experience and famous Armenians like Ruben Mamoulian and William Saroyan.

Since the Anthropology/Armenian Museum is functioning in such small quarters, there is no space to expand to include comprehensive histories of other ethnic groups, which was the mission of the organization, supported by noted anthropologist Margaret Mead, back in 1977. There are references to Africa through our fossil collection, origins of pertinent languages, and dolls from over 125 nations, but our mission is to display exhibits representing the history and diversity of the people of NYC.

We have contacted New York City Councilmen and wealthy donors,  and would even like to be part of the Amazon educational complex slated for Long Island City. “All We Need is a Little Help From Our Friends.” Do you know anybody?

The Museum is located at 6419 Kissena Blvd., Kissena Hall 1, Flushing, New York. Parking arrangements are available. Admission is free. Please call (718) 428-5650 to make an appointment.

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