Former President Serzh Sargsyan

Armenian President Sargsyan Declares Turkish Armenian Protocols Annulled


YEREVAN (Public Radio of Armenia) – Armenia’s President Serzh Sargsyan has declared the protocols signed in Zurich in 2009 null and void. The President made the announcement at a sitting of the National Security Council on March 1, Presidential Spokesman Vladimir Hakobyan told Yerkir Media.

Armenian and Turkish officials initiated the protocols normalizing the relations between two countries. In a ceremony held on October 10, 2009, the foreign ministers signed the two protocols, supported by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which required ratification from parliaments of both countries.

President Sargsyan first announced the intention to cancel the protocols, addressing the UN General Assembly in September 2017.

“Armenia will declare those two Protocols null and void since they continuously lacked any positive progress towards their implementation. We will enter the spring of 2018 without those, as our experience has demonstrated, futile Protocols,” the President said.

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