By Jirair Tutunjian
While many Armenians know that the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City covers one-sixth of the city, many Armenians, including even some living in Jerusalem, don’t know the many Armenian-related facts which make our presence in the Holy City so significant.
Here are ten such salient facts.
The St. James Cathedral
The name is wrong. The actual name of the cathedral is Sts. Jameses because two saints bearing that name are buried in the cathedral. The first is St. James (known as ‘Klkhatir’ to Armenians), the brother of St. John. The second is St. James, the brother of Christ. He was the first bishop of Jerusalem. The “first” St. James was beheaded by Herod Agrippa. While his head is buried in the cathedral, the rest of his body is in distant Santiago de Compostella in Galicia, in northwest Spain. How the saint’s body wound up in that remote spot is another story, if not fable and legend. The “St. James” is popular because it’s easier to pronounce and to write than Sts. Jameses.
The Unknown Soldier