WASHINGTON — On August 14, Armenian Assembly of America Board Member Annie Simonian Totah received a Pontifical Encyclical and was honored by Catholicos Karekin II for her extensive involvement and efforts helping the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian-American community. For the occasion, the encyclical was presented by Archbishop Khajag Barsamian at St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church.
“Annie Simonian Totah truly stands out as a woman of remarkable achievements and a lifetime of unselfish devotion to our people throughout the world,” Barsamian said. “She has been a powerful force for good in our homeland, and every major Armenian institution in America — including the Armenian Assembly, the AGBU, and of course the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America – has benefited from her energy, dedication, and leadership. Her generous heart, gracious demeanor, and humility before God are virtues that have made Annie beloved by all,” he continued.
Representing the Republic of Armenia, Ambassador Grigor Hovhannissian attended the event and praised Mrs. Totah’s high quality of work and selflessness which has benefited Armenia and Artsakh.
“Annie Totah is the example of activism, voluntary service, and leadership, as well as a role model for the global Armenian community,” Ambassador Hovhannissian said. “She has personally been involved in the most important milestone achievements in U.S.-Armenia relations since the early days of independence, and is very deserving of this honor,” he added.
Rev. Hovsep Karapetyan thanked Totah for her advocacy on behalf of Armenia and presented a framed painting of the Armenian alphabet as a special gift.
“We congratulate Annie Totah on the occasion of receiving the Pontifical Encyclical,” Karapetyan stated. “She has done a lot for our homeland, and undoubtedly, in the national and local level. Her contributions have made a great difference by supporting many noble causes and endeavors. Her generous heart, gracious spirit, and humble soul are merits with which Annie is blessed and has become beloved by those who know her.”