ADL Convention in Boston Adopts Resolutions Regarding Armenia and Diaspora


BOSTON — The Armenian Democratic Liberal (ADL) organization’s US Eastern region and Canada chapter held its 83rd convention in Boston over the weekend of July 11 and 12.

Beyond proceeding through the regular agenda items of approval of reports and the election of the new executive, the convention adopted fundamental resolutions regarding organization changes and definition of projects affecting the Armenian life in the diaspora, Armenia and Karabagh.

Delegates representing Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, Montreal and Toronto participated in the convention, which had been delayed previously for unforeseen reasons.

Dr. Arshavir Gundjian, longtime past ADL Central Committee chairman, was elected convention chairman, with Dr. Haroutiun Arzoumanian serving as secretary.

The convention reviewed and approved chapter reports as well as reports on its publications, after in-depth discussions.

The agenda included reports on the organization’s activities in Armenia and

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ADL Convention in Boston Adopts Resolutions Regarding Armenia and Diaspora

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relations with its sister ADL organization in Armenia, where a new center was recently acquired. The latter will be jointly used by the ADL and its sister organizations from the diaspora.

Discussions were held on the topic of media in content and form. The need to keep pace with technological advancements was stressed in particular.

The Armenian Mirror-Spectator in Boston and Abaka weekly in Montreal were the focus of media discussions. The high standard of both of these publications was warmly appreciated. The delegates also learned that work was in progress for the enhanced online presence of those twin publications. However, concerns on the paucity of resources were expressed and fundraising plans were laid to address those concerns.

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It was noted that as a matter of fact, in recent years, the benefactors and the general public are more attuned to contribute to certain charities, overlooking the media, even though the latter has the vital mission and role to network among individuals and communities and shape public opinion.

After reviewing all reports as well as the past performance of the District Committee, the convention participants voted for the election of the new committee for a term of two years.

The following slate of officers were elected: Edmond Y. Azadian, chairman; Papken Megerian, vice chairman; Maro Bedrossian, secretary; Kevork Marashlian, treasurer, and Apet Torosian, Dr. Armen Demerjian, Kevork Tutunjian, Dr. Vaghenak Tarpinian, Vartan Ilanjian, Hrach Torikian and Hagop Alexanian.

The newly-elected District Committee appointed Hagop Vartivarian as chairman of the Press Committee.

Organizational Challenges

A separate and special session was dedicated to an open and in-depth examination of the current state of affairs within the ADL’s organizational structure and its status within the Armenian world.

Several participants of the convention expressed their deep concern and disappointment relative to the serious breakdown of the organizational Central structure within the ADL. The long-time nonexistence of an effective, legitimate Central Committee and hence the inevitable absence of the latter from the National Armenian scene has caused unacceptable harm to the party and hence to the nation.

Factually, the ADL US & Canada Eastern District has been able to maintain an efficient level of productive activity. Its respected media and publications play a commendably active role which, however, has to be emulated across the Diaspora.

Frank and constructive discussions followed underlining the necessity for the ADL to undertake a fundamental reorganizational effort at an international scale, in order to bring the ADL back to its past respected status where all its districts have played a most beneficial role and have made the ADL the principled influential organization that has brought stability and productivity within the affairs of our entire nation.

In order to bring further information to the attendees, the chairmen of the convention and of the newly-elected District Executive Committee have reported the documented and detailed efforts that have been undertaken in the recent past, in order to bring the ADL out of this undesirable situation. At least two very serious attempts were made to eliminate all obstacles which actually boil down mainly to personal conflicts and some incompetent individuals trying to hold on to their positions.

It was stressed that dedicated ADL members from different districts across the diaspora have been voicing their condemnation of this situation and are suggesting vigorously that they will not tolerate anymore a situation in which a small number of inept individuals continues to impersonate leadership roles illegally, allowing the organization to fail to accomplish its vital role in the Diaspora to the benefit of the highest interests of our nation.

In conclusion, it was moved and unanimously agreed that a major effort needs to be made in order to appeal to all other active districts of the ADL to join efforts in order to reorganize the entire ADL international active membership and to bring this organization back to its effective and respected status of the past in the Armenian world.

The convention concluded its sessions in a spirit of enthusiasm, looking forward to forthcoming achievements to the benefit of the Armenian nation.