By Edmond Y. Azadian
October 10, 2014 will become an important date for Armenia, since on that day, two significant events took place, not necessarily coincidentally. The first event was the signing of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) by President Serge Sargisian in Minsk, and the second one was the opposition rally at the Republic Square.
Since Armenia broke off negotiations with the European Union in September 2013, it has been waiting at the door of the Russian-led Customs Union, which Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan had formed.
Although Armenia was coerced into relinquishing its economic ties with the European Union, it could not become a founding member of the Customs Union; instead, Yerevan was kept waiting for 13 more months to join the Customs Union, with dubious benefits in the prospect. Despite those intimidating circumstances, the speakers at the opposition rally recognized that it was an unavoidable act to which Armenian had to commit itself.
That was the reorientation of Armenia away from Europe and further into Russia’s embrace.