MISSION HILLS, Calif. — The Ararat-Eskijian Museum on Sunday, December 5, will host a talk on Isfahan, New Jufla and the art of one of its most famous sons, Sumbat Der Kiureghian (1913-1999).
Der Kiureghian is the most celebrated Iranian watercolorist of the 20th century. A descendant of 17th-century Armenian settlers in the New Julfa district of Isfahan, he embodied the artistic traditions of his people and of his hometown. His paintings depict Armenian and Iranian lifestyles, folk traditions and landscapes in stunningly lucid colors. Based on the book, The Life and Art of Sumbat, by his son, this illustrated lecture will explore the art of Sumbat in the context of his historical hometown.
Armen Der Kiureghian is professor of civil engineering and holder of the Taisei Chair at the University of California, Berkeley. He is one of the founders of the American University of Armenia and served as its founding dean of engineering from 1991 to 2007 concurrently with his Berkeley position.
The talk will take place from 4 to 6 p.m.
More information about the talk is available by contacting the Ararat-Eskijian Museum at ararat-eskijian-museum at netzero.net.